In time, it will become clear that you are capable of making endless parts that you love. Understanding the principles will increase the frequency of creating amazing passages as you develop a painting. When you are just starting out, creating a part of a painting that you love is infrequent. Soon, this will happen so frequently that you will relax about losing a few precious parts of your painting. There are always more waiting in the wings. Often, if you give up something you truly care about, it will be replaced with something of equal or greater value. This is true not only in art, but in life, too.

To truly give yourself over to the process of making your art is to dance in the present, not caring about what might happen in the future or what happened in the past. When you have a hunch that you need to change things compositionally, trust that you are capable of even greater solutions.

It’s important to feel free in making your art. Try to treat all areas with the same degree of impermanence. Anything can change whenever you feel it needs to. When you are not married to the outcome, your art will be more authentic and fresh not just for you, but for the viewer too.