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17 articles
What is the Portal?
How will I get my questions answered?
How do I find and use the Video Search Tool?
How do I shoot a good photo to share in the CVP Artists Community?
How do I find and navigate the FAQ Bank?
How do I reset my password and/or change my avatar or profile image and information in the CVP members area?
Why can't I access all of the modules?
How do I turn on/off captions on portal videos?
View all articles in “PROGRAM & PORTAL SUPPORT”
4 articles
I have billing or account questions
How do I contact Technical Support?
How do I clear my web browser history (cache)?
How do I bookmark the CVP Portal in my browser?
7 articles
What is the CVP Artists Community on Facebook?
How do I join the CVP Artists Community (Facebook)?
As a CVP member, am I required to join the CVP Artists Community (Circle)?
Will I access CVP content in the CVP Artists Community (Circle)?
How do I login to the CVP Artists Community (Facebook)?
Can I receive feedback or get my questions answered in the CVP Artists Community (Facebook)?
Is there a Facebook group for CVP 2024?
44 articles
Where can I find the Materials List?
What are the equivalent colors of the Art2life CVP paint set?
Do I need to seal my panels before applying gesso?
Can we use gesso in place of white paint?
Does matte medium work the same as gloss medium?
What kind of palette are we using?
How do I manage all the brushes full of paint when they're not in use?
What is the best way to clean my brushes after painting?
View all articles in “MATERIALS”
6 articles
What is Zoom and how do I use it?
What if nothing happens when I click on a live call Zoom link?
What time are the live calls in my time zone?
How do I attend a Group Call or Coaching Call?
Where do I write a question to be answered on a live call?
How do I update Zoom?
74 articles
Can design have variety and repetition?
What if we like pattern and repetition? Will my design be boring if I use the same shape again and again?
There are lots of paintings that are middle value, such as Monet's. Why are you discouraging us from using middle values?
I “fill up” my painting with shapes or realistic elements and then it becomes overcrowded. What do I do when this happens?
How are value differences created in art?
I have trouble “seeing” the values as soon as we add color. Can discerning values be learned? I hate to think I have to hold my phone all the time with the camera set to black and white.
Can I use middle values?
How do I clarify unclear values in my art?
View all articles in “DESIGN and VALUE”
54 articles
What is emergent color? (video)
How do I reduce value to make color stronger? (video)
What is an opaque glaze? (video)
What is the difference between a line and a shape? (video)
What should I focus on in CVP? (video)
Why does group learning work in CVP? (video)
How do I clarify values? (video)
What are middle values? (video)
View all articles in “BITE SIZE LESSONS”
13 articles
How do you keep “risk” alive while you are completing a painting?
What are Limiting Beliefs?
What are the seven questions to answer when making your art?
How do I stop the feelings of fear I have when I make art?
How can I paint freely when making my art, when I fall in love with certain parts and don’t want to lose them?
How does this process of play and change work in representational art?
Won’t I lose the spontaneity if I constantly analyze my work while I'm doing it?
Does “finding your way as you go” work for representational art?
View all articles in “RISK/SOUL”
52 articles
What are the five components of color?
How does glazing make an area of my painting visually go back in space?
What is the value of a color?
How do I change the value of a color?
Does adding grey to de-saturate a color, change its value?
How do you use the trim guide so the paint doesn't bleed under it?
I have trouble “seeing” the values as soon as we add color. Can discerning values be learned?
How do you lessen the saturation of a color?
View all articles in “COLOR”
10 articles
Where do I find all these texture tools?
How do I eliminate bubbles in the Clear Leveling Gel?
What kind of pencils are you using to draw with?
Are inkjet copies or laser copies best for transfers?
Is it okay to use collage or transfer images that are not our own?
Can all these tools be used on canvas?
How do I keep the steel wool from making my painting surface dirty?
How do I prevent a collage image from fading?
View all articles in “TEXTURE”
7 articles
ART2LIFE Acrylic paint
ART2LIFE 12x12 Hardwood Panels
ART2LIFE 12x12 Hardwood Frames
ART2LIFE 18x18 Hardwood Panels
ART2LIFE 18x18 Hardwood Frames