1. Do you have dark shapes that you can clearly see?

2. Do you have light shapes that you can clearly see?

3. Are your shapes different from one another?

4. The eye goes to the biggest contrast between light

and dark. Do you have these areas in different areas of your painting? We want to visually go to ALL the territory of your Art.

5. Can the areas in your Art be made to be more

different than the area next to it? Color? Shape? Texture?

6. Is there even the smallest amount of pure black and

pure white in your Art?

If you can see the Loud Conversation (answers 1-6), now look at the Quiet Conversation:

7. Do you have almost light (or dark) details in the Light

(or dark) Shapes or Areas of your Art?


If you answered “No” to one or two of these questions, then you need to modify your art until the answer is a “Yes.” When you have answered “Yes” to ALL the questions in your art, (whether abstract or representational) it is working.

Some art will answer all these questions better than others, however the more times you answer the same questions, the more sophisticated and refined your answers (your art) will become.