Article suggestions
What is the Portal?
How will I get my questions answered?
How do I find and use the Video Search Tool?
How do I shoot a good photo to share in the CVP Artists Community?
How do I find and navigate the FAQ Bank?
How do I reset my password and/or change my avatar or profile image and information in the CVP members area?
Why can't I access all of the modules?
How do I turn on/off captions on portal videos?
Why can't I see the videos in the CVP members area (Kajabi)?
What is an Image Adjustment?
Why can't I hear the videos on the CVP members area (no sound)?
How many people are in CVP?
What is a Bite Size video?
How do I remove the red banner I see when I log into the CVP portal?
Why is the video blurry or not clear in the CVP Members Area?
Where can I see the recording of the Live Call?
How do I update my password and avatar or profile image in the CVP members area (Kajabi)?