There are numerous ways we answer questions and offer solutions in CVP to help you understand and apply the Art2Life Principles to your work. 

The Portal:

The video lessons in the CVP Portal clearly define, diagnose, and solve the common challenges that arise in art making. Under each video in the Portal, we encourage you to ask questions. We make sure all your questions are answered here quickly and clearly. You’ll find that reading the questions and answers posted by others is also helpful. This is the benefit of having a community of artists learning and moving through the content together. 

The Art Help Tab:

This is your go-to resource for help with challenges in your art-making. The ART HELP tab houses all the tools to help you access your work and find solutions:

The FAQ Bank:

Questions such as, “How do I finish my art?” and “What is color harmony?” can all be found answered in our FAQ Bank, often with an accompanying diagram and sometimes even a short instructional video. This is a searchable, keyworded vault of thorough, clear answers available 24/7.

Video Search:

Here you can search our video lessons and live call recordings. Using any keywords you can Pinpoint an exact moment in the video you need to re-watch.

Image Adjustment Videos:

These short videos are a powerful tool used to illustrate the Principles in action. They allow you to see before and after examples of different kinds of art, all being improved and strengthened by the Art2Life Principles. Seeing examples of the principles at work makes them easier to understand and apply to your own art. 

Bite Size Videos:

These mini, three-minute Image Adjustment videos are designed to illustrate a solution and explanation for one design challenge you may have in your work.

Helpful Guides:

Downloadable, printable PDFs of useful tools are available throughout the program.

The Group Calls:

Each week Nick will be giving a Group Call in person. Ahead of the call, you’ll have the opportunity to write in questions that can be addressed on the call. The entire community will be able to learn from your question. Many others will have the same question! All Group Calls will be recorded so that if you miss them you can watch and learn when it’s more convenient. 

The Coaching Calls:

Coaches will also be connecting with you through a live Coaching Call each week. These Coaching Calls will be used in many ways to enhance your learning of the program content. Ahead of each Coaching Call, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. This is done so that the coaches can better align their teaching content to your questions. If there is a common need for a particular answer, we will prioritize related questions, and respond with the best solutions. All Coaching Calls will be recorded so that if you miss them you can watch and learn when it is more convenient. 

Pop-Up Calls with Nick:

Starting in Week 4, Nick will be available on Fridays at 12:00 PM PST to answer any follow-up questions you might have about the week’s content. 

The CVP Artist’s Community:

The most powerful teaching aspect of CVP is its community. We are not only helping artists to diagnose and improve their art but also their critiquing abilities so they can give feedback on other members’ art. This community feedback occurs in the private CVP Artist’s Community. The success of our artists during and after CVP lies in this community of artists who graduate with a keen ability to help others see and strengthen their art. In short, we leverage ourselves, so that everyone’s art can rise.