The Creative Visionary Program is a 12-week, intensive, highly comprehensive online art program. It is designed for artists who are interested in dramatically improving their art in a relatively short time frame. After experiencing such a significant shift in their art-making with the Creative Visionary Program, many members naturally ask the question, "What comes next?" The Art2life Academy is our answer. It builds upon the foundation of the-Art2Life Principles by offering instruction and guidance to improve your art and art process gradually.

Now that our artists have identified what inspires them and know how to harness this to make powerful and authentic art, the Academy provides weekly inspirational and educational content to support them moving forward on their creative path. One of the most helpful aspects of the Academy includes the feedback that you can receive from other members and the Art2Life Coaches as well as the interaction with the vast international artist community who are motivated and excited about making art. The Academy’s mission is to keep artists connected, engaged, inspired, and improving over time at a rate that fits in with your life and your schedule.